Purple Pants
10 items
Zadie was 2 years 1 month old.
Toddler Time at Skyzone has its ups & downs! #ZadieAlyssa #hophophop #jump
(via @lilzadiebug )
Zadie was 2 years 2 weeks old.
Zadie buzzed all around Busybees this morning … Except the Balloon room! She kind of froze up in the balloon room! 🐝🎠🎈🎈🎉 #ZadieAlyssa
(via @lilzadiebug )
Zadie was 1 year 11 months old.
The Fahey’s are always the best at kicking off the holiday season!
(via @naudebynature )
Zadie was 1 year 4 months old.
Beautiful view of Manhattan from the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty …well worth the 215 steps! 🗽#ZadieAlyssa
(via @naudebynature )
Zadie was 1 year 4 months old.
That day we saw the Statue of Liberty #ZadieAlyssa
(via @kingkool68 )
Zadie was 1 year 2 months old.
Killing time and climbing all over the bright green airport chairs. #zadiealyssa
(via @kingkool68 )