Zadie was 3 years 11 months old.

I love this picture so much! Zadie is such a big girl and a loving and protective sister! We borrowed this awesome GB Pockit stroller from a friend specifically for this NYC trip and we found out that it still works with the handle bars not extended. Zadie saw that she was tall enough to push it when the handle bar down and was loving pushing her sister around NYC! Zadie wasn’t very fast, she didn’t stay very straight, and we had to excuse her occasionally bumping into people on the street but both of the girls cuteness made up for it and actually made a lot of New Yorkers on the street smile! Russell and I felt odd not having a hand to hold or a stroller to push since Zadie took over… Ahhh the girls are growing up fast! #ZadieAlyssa #VeraAddison
(via @imveracute )