9 Months Old
21 items
Zadie was 9 months 3 weeks old.

Counting down to Halloween! We carved a Zadie-sized pumpkin just for her. #zadiealyssa #pumpkinbaby #babyinpumpkin #kittycat
(via @kingkool68 )
Zadie was 9 months 2 weeks old.

We took the kiddos to their first live children’s theater play, The True Story of The Three Little Pigs! The kids did great but I learned any child can sit long enough with plenty of snacks readily available! #LittleThespians #TheWolfsNotGuilty #ZadieAlyssa
(via @naudebynature )
Zadie was 9 months 2 weeks old.

Zadie got to go to a bonfire for the evening while friends embark on some backyard camping. The adults ate fire-roasted hot dogs while the kids played with blocks in the grass. #zadiealyssa #mittens #smores
(via @kingkool68 )
Zadie was 9 months 2 weeks old.

I got to hang out with these cuties! And tried to get Zadie to growl @lilzadiebug @ranielle104 @jtamoria
(via @patty_mayonesa )
Zadie was 9 months 2 weeks old.

Zadie’s first time to a pumpkin patch! #ZadieAlyssa
(via @naudebynature )
A Trip to Round Hill Farms
• Zadie was 9 months 2 weeks old.
Zadie took her first trip to a pumpkin patch at Round Hill Farm in Culpeper, Virginia. We met up with her great grandmother and rode around on a hay ride, strolled through a pumpkin patch, and saw a bunch of animals.

Zadie had a lot of fun and smiled at everything. We did everything we could with a 9-month old but there were still lots of things we can tackle another time… like maybe next year!
Zadie was 9 months 1 week old.

Zadie’s hair is finally getting long enough for it to be crazy after wearing it in a mini pony tail all day. #zadiealyssa #babyMohawk #cutehair
(via @kingkool68 )