5 Months Old
20 items
Zadie was 5 months 3 weeks old.
Zadie is in Ocean City, MD this week with her Grandma & Grandpa Naude! #ZadieAlyssa
(via @lilzadiebug )
Zadie was 5 months 2 weeks old.
Happy First Father’s Day. Did some work around the house and then got to relax with #zadiealyssa
(via @kingkool68 )
Zadie was 5 months 2 weeks old.
Photo booth fun at Ashley and Joe’s gorgeous wedding last night! #aandjsbigday2015 #ZadieAlyssa #TheHeimlichs
(via @naudebynature )
Zadie was 5 months 2 weeks old.
Our first family characterchur … Done at a wedding! What a cool favor! Thanks #AandJsBigDay2015 Congrats! #ZadieAlyssa
(via @naudebynature )
Zadie was 5 months 2 weeks old.
#zadiealyssa is all smiles!! @naudebynature and @kingkool68 you guys made a cute baby!! 😍 #AandJsBigDay2015
(via @xtine731 )
Zadie was 5 months 2 weeks old.
It was great seeing everyone! @hoodat85 @dwightknows @naudebynature @youngshinifer @jtamoria @ranielle104 #AandJsBigDay2015 #babyfever #donuts #zadiealyssa
(via @xtine731 )
Zadie was 5 months 2 weeks old.
Zadie can’t wait to meet her little buddies/bodyguards in September! #NOTboyfriends LOL #ZadieAlyssa #AandJsBigDay2015
(via @naudebynature )
Zadie was 5 months 2 weeks old.
Wednesday night playtime rolling around on the floor. #zadiealyssa
(via @kingkool68 )