Monthly Frame

14 items

Zadie was 1 year 4 weeks old.

On the 28th of every month, last year, we would do Zadie’s monthly pictures. So glad we are done with that!!! No one tells you how hard it is to keep the baby still to pose in later months! Uugh, hence this collage of outtakes!! However, looking back I am thankful we took the time to capture the photos we took! #ZadieAlyssa

(via @naudebynature )

Zadie was 1 year 2 days old.

12 months!!! Bitter sweet to take the last monthly frame photo: Sad because she is getting older so fast, happy because no one tells you how hard it is to take a posed photo of your baby in the later months when you first start the monthly photo process! Ha-ha but we made it! Happy 1st Birthday Zadie! #ZadieAlyssa

(via @naudebynature )